Posted June 03, 2019 in Breast Augmentation

On a recent trip to Sao Paulo, Brazil to lecture at an international meeting I was interested to learn that Brazilian woman are selecting larger sized breast implants. This is in stark contrast to the past when many of my Brazilian patients did not want to even have their breasts touched with an emphasis on their buttocks. Interestingly, in America the exact opposite change is occurring now with American women wanting smaller breast implants, and even many women wanting removal of breast implants and fat transfer to breasts. In addition, there has been a major emphasis on many American women wanting larger buttocks with brazilian butt lift.
So it appears changes in American women’s desires for appearance and those of Brazilian women are changing in opposite directions at the same time. American woman wanting smaller breast implants and larger buttocks and Brazilian women wanting larger breast implants with less emphasis on their buttocks. This is in stark contrast to 10 years ago. There are also similar correlations that I find when I lecture in Europe and Asia.
It’s amazing what a difference of a few thousand miles can make in societal changes and perceptions in cosmetic surgery. Countries experience changes in many aspects in different time cycles. Cosmetic surgery is no different goes along with these cyclical changes in societies……..